
  1. Cut a flap in the lid of a pizza box with scissors or a knife. Cut the flap 1in away from the edges along 3 sides, so the flap could stand up when the lid is closed.
  2. Use aluminum foil and tape to cover the inner side and outer of the flap so it reflects rays from the sun; make sure the foil is wrapped tightly and taped to the inner or outer side of the flap.
  3. Create airtight window for sunlight to enter by opening the box and taping a double layer of plastic wrap over the opening that was made by the flap. Leave an inch of plastic overlap around the sides and tape each side to seal air out.
  4. Put aluminum foil at the bottom of the box.
  5. Put black construction at the bottom of the box on top of the aluminum foil and all around it. Black absorbs heat. 
  6. Roll up sheets of newspaper and line them along the sides. Tape them down to form border around cook area. Newspapers should be thin enough to close lid.
  7. Add aluminum foil on top so the heat can stay inside.
  8. Put Construction paper all around the outside of the box to absorb as much heat as possible. 
  9. 11am to 3pm are the best hours to use the solar oven. Take the oven outside and place it in a sunny spot. Adjust flap until most sun light is reflecting off the aluminum foil and onto plastic-covered window. Use ruler to prop flap at right angle. 
  10. Bake cookies, take them out carefully and enjoy them!

Cover flap with aluminum foil

Cover inside with foil

Cover with black construction paper

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