Analysis Questions

The solar oven is responded to, and used differently in each developing country. In countries where people are tired of the constant smoke and pollution caused by regular cookers, the solar oven is accepted and used; however in other countries the solar oven is not accepted so easily. Even for those who love the solar oven because of the free sunlight, the amount of times they use is limited due to many factors such as the simple fact that cooking in it is more "difficult." In these cases a little push, a demonstration, can really help in encouraging them to use the solar oven.

The solar oven has a simple design, using a cardboard box and item such as aluminum foil, black construction paper, newspapers, and tape, one can create a simple yet effective solar oven. The oven has an underlayer of aluminum foil on the bottom with a layer of black construction paper on top of this. Then the top flap is sealed with a ziplock bag and, once again, more aluminum foil. Using the newspapers, we have created a thin cooking border for when the oven is used.

Both conduction and radiation play an important role in the box solar oven. In conduction heat is lost when it travels through the molecules of tin foil. cardboard, air, and insulation, to air outside the box. This is important in the solar oven because when hot black construction paper comes into contact with the oven bag. Radiation also is important because the sun emits energy in electromagnetic radiation. Then radiation comes in contact with object the energy from radiation excites molecules with in the object and it heats up. Then the warm object (solar oven) reradiates the energy it received from the sun to its surroundings (cookies).

Insulators have tiny pockets of trapped air that resist the transfer of heat. The ability to slow transfer the transfer of heat is measured in R-values. The higher the R-value the better insulators ability to resist flow of heat. So we need a black surface to turn light into heat and insulation so heat is retained. Yet the window is difficult to insulate. Insulation in the sides and bottom need to stand up the heat.

There were some outside factors that affected our solar oven project. The weather, obviously, changed the heating of our solar oven which affected the baking of the cookies. The size of the cookies impact how long the baking will take. The angle the flap was put onto affected the amount of heat hit the cookies.

This group worked as a team; therefore, each member did their job. All the members did their share of the questions. For instance, each member answered two questions in the background and analysis questions. Also, the other parts of the blog was divided equally. Also, Zohal and Rita contributed by assembling the solar oven and placing the aluminum foil on it. Samantha created the blog and helped the group with any questions concerning it. Lenda was able to bring some of the materials along with Rita and Samantha. Lenda recorded the process in which the cookies were heated. She also helped in terms of taking pictures of the progress. Rita brought the cookie mix. Zohal uploaded pictures to the website and Samantha decorated and embellished the blog.

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